Sunday, May 14, 2017

Merger Photo Preview

1. shadows
2. some place with a plain background, maybe a wall outside
3. jump
4. bright colors to not blend in with the background

HDR Photography Preview

1. changing the shutter speed to get different amounts of lightness and darkness in each photo
2. camera and tripod
3. to create a surreal image
4. extreme contrast where certain areas are very dark and others are very light

Monday, May 8, 2017

Final Exam Planning

1. I shot this assignment yesterday.
2. I shot downtown.
3. I was documenting a day downtown.
4. I used a DSLR.
5. I am going to put narration at the beginning with photos, and then I think I will do a video montage at the end.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Sunday, April 30, 2017


Opinion Story

Do you remember when you took your first standardized test? These tests begin in as early as elementary school. They cause students stress and do not accurately measure students achievement. Therefore, I believe standardized state testing should be eliminated.

Teachers now teach to the test, which also drastically narrows the curriculum. As a student, everything I learn in class prepares me to take a test at the end. I have to take a test in each academic class at the end of the six weeks. That's not including the other ones we get during the six week period. Some elective teachers even give tests.

These tests are focused on preparing students for the standardized test at the end of the year. They provide similar, practice questions to it. It seems like the only reason we go to school and are learning the material we are, is to pass the exam at the end of the year. Now, yes it is important to learn this material. But the hype surrounding the test, along with the immense, strenuous time, and work that it requires is not worth it.

The amount of tests a student takes pressures and overwhelms them. They have to study immensely and then have the pressure to do well. I stay up ridiculous amounts of hours a night studying for tests. I often wonder, “When is the grade I get on this going to matter in the future?”

Standardized tests may allow students to master the skills of test taking, but it is not helping them in being an adult or preparing them for what may happen later in life. They are not learning life skills by sitting at a desk for hours.
After taking the test, teachers, students, and schools are either rewarded or punished for their scores. Are the tests measuring the student’s level of achievement or the teachers? Teachers and schools cram in all required material and drill it into our brains to receive high scores. No creativity is allowed in the teaching of the material making it dull, boring, and uninteresting to students.
Grades begin to come a competition, worsening the heavy burden students are already carrying. They compare themselves to others thinking that their self worth is based on how well they did on the last test. Some may say the competition is healthy, pushing students to work harder. But instead it is pushing them to their limits, causing unhealthy negative habits.
Some students do not perform well under the circumstances of high stakes test, compared to projects and presentations. Could there be an alternate form of measuring what a student has learned in the year? Maybe so. States could offer independent projects and allow ways for students to express what they have learned in a way that makes sense to them.

There are solutions that could be implemented to fix the way student’s progress during the year is measured. Otherwise, standardized tests should be removed from state education.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Personal Essays

1. Make sure that you choose a topic you are passionate about and can relate someway back to your audience. 

2. Use specific examples, facts, and emotions to draw the reader in.

3. Begin with a good hook, make sure the reader knows why you feel a certain way, and try writing to appeal to all the senses.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Opinions Writing Preview

Immigration laws getting out of hand

1. N/A (editorial)
2. Immigration laws getting out of control and how it affects people.
3. “These started off as angry opinions but now that he’s taken office, Trump is able to act on these hateful stereotypes.”
4. No
5. No, throughout the whole article they remained confident on their position.
6. No
7. 3rd person

Betsy DeVos unfit to serve as U.S. Secretary of Education

1. Reagan Wallace
2. How Betsy DeVos does not have the qualifications for her new position.
3. “Her support could be deemed helpful, yet I don’t believe she is prepared to lead a country’s education system.”
4. Slightly
5. A little bit, at times it seemed like the writer thought she was a good person.
6. No
7. 3rd person, at times 1st person

Our great tree is worth saving
1. Ian Miller
2. The tree in the courtyard is dying and we should save it.
3. “In my opinion, it’s absolutely worth the price to save it.”
4. No
5. No, they stated why we should save it the whole time.
6. No
7. 1st and 2nd person

Going above the norm for college 
1. Jake Brien
2. It is difficult to get into college these days.
3. “Unfortunately, for such an important event, it’s very hard to get in.”
4. No
5. Kind of, when they talked about going to a community college.
6. No
7. 3rd person

Importance of physics class
1. Abby Ong
2. How she believes students should take physics.
3. “I believe all students should take it regardless of endorsement or future career choice.”
4. No
5. Yes, when they said, “If there’s another science class that interest you a lot more, then I’d encourage you to take that class.”
6. No
7. 1st and 2nd person

A. There are no quotes, the other side of the story is not really touched on, and others do not give their opinion on the topic, just the writer.
B. There are not many photos because an event was not being captured.
C. I think I would be good at writing about school policies, extracurricular activities, and social media.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Student of the Month Peer Review

Paragraphs - 40 points
5 quotes - 25 points
Inverted pyramid - 15 points
Extra credit - 0 points

Monday, April 17, 2017

Student of the Month Story

Who - freshman Ayden Lumbley
What - won Student of the Month
Where - Bowie High School
When - this week
Why - for her achievements and working hard
How - her determination and persistence

This Monday, freshman Ayden Lumbley received the award of Student of the Month. Lumbley is a student here at Bowie High School and was nominated by her teachers and fellow classmates. Winning this award came from her hard working attitude and stellar academic performance.

Being a determined and persistent student, Lumbley is able to achieve her academic goals and maintain her outside life.

She enjoys writing, painting, drawing, and gaming. At school she participates in film club, cross country, and movie club.

“In some of the clubs, we help each other out with work if we don't have work in the actual club,” 9th grade student Ayden Lumbley said.

Otherwise, she spends 2-3 hours a night working on homework.

"You need to have an organized set of binders and make out time for schoolwork each night," Lumbley said.

To keep her motivated, she uses the encouragement of her parents, friends, and teachers.

"They are not teachers, they also give you advice on how to improve instead of just a simple grade," Lumbley said.

Upon initially accepting the award she was shocked and surprised.

"It means that I have improved from earlier months and done better in my harder classes," Lumbley said.

She enjoys coming to school for the classes and to see her friends.

"I only hang out with my friends in the mornings or on Sundays. They don't really affect my schedule," Lumbley said.

Receiving this award has made her more determined to keep her grades up for future classes.

"I plan to try and encourage my friends to work hard so they can receive this award as well," Lumbley said.

"I want to go to the Air Force Academy College and then I'll see where my life takes me," Lumbley said.

SLO Practice

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. C

Walking past friends and family, George Buck and Sabrina Well make an entrance to the New Citizens of Canada convention. Well had just been made a Canadian citizen after moving from New York, New York.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Nut Graf

A nut graf is a very crucial part of a story. It tells the reader why the story matters and why they should keep reading. It also provides a transition from the lead to the rest of the story. 

When writing a nut graf, you should give the reader a good hook to keep reading, answer any questions one might have, and not give away the ending. 

It is good to put in the nut graf after answering the who, what, when, where, why, and how. This way the topic has already been introduced to the reader, and now they can see why it is important.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Inverted Pyramid

My First Interview

1. How do you spell your name?
Ayden Lumbley

2. What grade are you in?

3. What was your initial reaction when receiving this award?

A mixture of shock and surprise.

4. What does this award mean to you?

It means that I have improved from earlier months and did better in my harder classes.

5. What extracurricular activities are you apart of?

Film club, cross country, movie club.

6. How do you manage these with school work?

In some of the clubs, we help each other out with work if we don’t have work in the actual club.

7. How much time do you spend on school work?

2-3 hours a night.

8. What keeps you motivated?

The encouragement of my parents and friends.

9. What advice would you give to other students?

You need to have an organized set of binders and make out time for schoolwork each night.

10. What do you plan on doing in the future?

I plan to go to the Air Force Academy College and then I’ll see where my life takes me.

11. How do you achieve your goals?

Determination and persistence. 

12. What role do your teachers play in your academic life?

They are not just teachers, they also give you advice on how to improve instead of just a simple grade.

13. How do friends affect your schedule?

I only usually hang out with my friends in the mornings or on Sundays. They don’t really affect my schedule. 

14. What do you like to do in your free time?

I love to write, paint and draw. Gaming is also a hobby of mine.

15. How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as silly, but hard headed and pessimistic.

16. How has receiving this award changed you?
It has made me more determined to keep my grades up for future classes.

17. How did people react when they found out you won?


18. Do you find school a challenge or something easy?

Depends on the classes, but overall difficult, but not challenging.

19. Do you enjoy coming to school?

Yes, both for classes and to see my friends.

20. What do you plan to do, now that you have won this award?

I plan to try and encourage my friends to work hard so they can receive this award as well.

Sports Portfolio Analysis


a. Travis Haughton
b. stories
c. seeing the back of peoples head, they want to see faces
mergers and cutting off parts of the body
photos not having a lot of meaning, wanted something more interesting
d. levels in the composition 
stopped action well
e. I thought this photographer was ok. His photos could have had better composition to make them more appealing to the viewer.

a. Nick Adams
b. sports
c. boring photos
can't find subject easily
too many children, vary subject age
d. interesting lighting, creates artistic shots
effort in getting close up to subjects
e. I did not really like this photographer. I think he put too much stuff in the photos and then it made the subject unclear.

a. Sam Adams
b. action
c. have action, too boring with subjects being still
get closer so we can see who subject is
location of where subject is in the photo
d. create mood
stopping mid action with blur
e. I thought this photographer was better than the previous ones. I liked their use of color, it added something to the photo. Also, using simplicity.

a. Justin Mott
b. stories & photo j
c. use of focus, what is in focus and what is out
how much of an element is in the photo
how they created their portfolio 
d. tells a story
evokes emotion
e. I liked this photographer. He had good composition in his photos that told a story well. Emotion was also captured nicely. 


a. angle and position of photographer
all people doing something in the photo
b. I thought the photographer captured each moment in an interesting and thoughtful way. The way the action was stopped, and how there was a good amount of it really added to the photos.


a. To decide the winner the judges went back and looked on the portfolios they liked. They discussed the stories of each one and what the photos made them feel. Along with the way the photos were taken: angles, lighting, color, etc.


1. We both like the photo of a guy getting hit in the face with a hockey stick. The judges like it because it captured the action well and I thought having both guys in green shirts added to the balance of the image. 
2. The judges did not like this picture of 3 kids holding onto a horse. I thought is was interesting and would want to know the story behind what happened and why the little boy is smiling. 

1. I agree with the judges on a photo of a girl mid-air with her arms out and an expression on her face. We both like it because of the simplicity, yet the intensity of her face adds to it.
2. I do not agree with the judges on a photo of a girl with her arms in the air and a tennis racket. The judges are okay with it not containing her face, but I think it lacks emotion without it.

1. I agree with the judges that this photo is bad. It is of a football goalpost with a light shining in the background. There is no subject or anything that catches your eye.
2. I do not agree with the judges on this photo of a girl kissing the bat. The judges think it is odd, and I agree with that. But, the angle and way it was taken is very interesting I think.

1. I agree with the judges on these photos and the story. The photos show a boy working with dogs. We both think they capture the story well and have interesting, thoughtful elements.
2. I do not agree with the judges on these photos about curling. They think they captured a boring sport in a cool way. I disagree and think the photos don’t have anything exciting. 

1. I agree with the judges on a photo of a dirty rugby hat. It contains a lot of detail from being so close up and with all the dirt and scratches it really tells a story. 
2. I disagree with the judges on a photo of a girl in a swimming pool from overhead. They think it has cool shapes, but I think your eye just gets lost looking at it.

1. I agree with the judges on a photo of a girl getting attacked by a goose. The action is stopped at just the right moment and you can understand what is happening.
2. I still do not agree with the judges on a photo of a person throwing their arms in the air with a tennis racket. I don’t think anything exciting is happening that is worth taking a photo.

1. I agree with the judges that the photo story that won was exemplary. The photos clearly told a story. 
2. I do not agree with the judges on the escalator photo. It was a good photo, but I felt it could have been more dramatic. 

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Learning to Interview

Topic: School Uniforms

I would interview the superintendent. As well as a teacher and a student at the school.

1. How do you feel about this change?
2. Why do you think this happened?
3. How do you think others will react to this change?
4. Will this benefit or hurt the school community, in your opinion?
5. How do you think parents will react to this?
6. How is this going to affect the school?
7. Will students have issues with wearing the uniforms?
8. Can all students afford the uniforms?
9. What would happen if a student did not wear the uniform?
10. How much will uniforms cost?
11. How will the uniforms be, gender related?
12. How will uniforms affect the students daily learning experience?
13. How will this affect the teachers?
14. What are advantages to uniforms?
15. What are disadvantages to uniforms?
16. What happened when you found out about this?
17. What if a student can not pay for a uniform?
18. What was the previous dress code?
19. How did students react to it?
20. How will uniforms affect students creativity?

Topic: Student of the Month

1. How do you spell your name?
2. What grade are you in?
3. What was your initial reaction when receiving this award?
4. What does this award mean to you?
5. What extracurricular activities are you apart of?
6. How do you manage these with school work?
7. How much time do you spend on school work?
8. What keeps you motivated?
9. What advice would you give to other students?
10. What do you plan on doing in the future?
11. How do you achieve your goals?
12. What role do your teachers play in your academic life?
13. How do friends affect your schedule?
14. What do you like to do in your free time?
15. How would you describe yourself?
16. How has receiving this award changed you?
17. How did people react when they found out you won?
18. Do you find school a challenge or something easy?
19. Do you enjoy coming to school?
20. What do you plan to do, now that you have won this award?

Friday, March 31, 2017

Architecture Preview #2

La Pedrera




Angles and Shapes


Burj Al Arab




 Angles and Shapes


Nautilus House




 Angles and Shapes






 Angles and Shapes


National Centre for the Performing Arts




Angles and Shapes


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017

Architecture Preview #1

La Pedrera, Spain

1. Antoni Gaudi and Josep Maria Jujol
2. 1906 - 1912
3. Barcelona, Spain
4. You can visit it.
5. N/A
6. A man had saw a house Gaudi had made on his street, and he wanted one of his own.
7. I chose this building because of its interesting architecture. The sculptures on the top are not something you would see everyday. Along with the large holes in the middle of the building.

Burj Al Arab

1. Tom Wright and Carlos Ott
2. 1994
3. Dubai, United Arab Emirates
4. You can visit it, it is a hotel.
5. $1 billion
6. N/A
7. I chose this building because of its interesting shape. It also interested me how it was off on its own little island. The building also looked very very large compared to the city.

Nautilus House

1. Javier Senosiain
2. 2006 - 2007
3. Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico
4. You can visit it.
5. $218,000
6. A family living a conventional home wanted one more integrated with nature.
7. I chose this building because of its unusual shape. It seemed small for a house. It also has many bright fun colors that you wouldn’t typically see on a house. 


1. Andre Waterkeyn and Christine Conix
2. 1957
3. Brusseks, Belgium
4. You can visit it.
5. N/A
6. It was built to honor the metals industry and celebrate the atomic age.
7. I picked this building because of its massive size. It is also very different from any square or circular building. I think it would be cool to visit.

National Centre for the Performing Arts

1. Paul Andreu
2. 2001 - 2007
3. Beijing, China
4. You can visit it, it is a theater.
5. $3.2 billion
6. N/A
7. I picked this building because of its egg like shape. I thought it was interesting how it was surrounded by a artificial lake too. When you enter, you actually go underwater.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Action Preview

Action Shoot

SUBJECT MOVING DIRECTLY AT YOU: Freshman Tahni Engelhardt runs across the courtyard. Running is not Engelhardt’s favorite form of exercise. 

SUBJECT RUNNING ACROSS THE PLANE: Freshman Tahni Engelhardt dashes towards the doors. Engelhardt was running for her P.E. class.

PANNING: Freshman Angela Cox sprints across the school. Cox enjoys running in her free time.

CREATIVE BLUR: Running, freshman Tahni Engelhardt goes through The Pit. Engelhardt says running allows her to take a break.

Sensory Overload

1. I think this statement is very true in the age we are in now. I agree with this statement because I think now we focus so much attention on what we buy, what we have, and what we do with it. This makes me feel that in my photography, I should be focusing more on objects associated with the subject than the space surrounding them.

2. Yes, I would want to visit this place because it seems like you would be able to gain a very different and new experience.

3. I think it would be interesting to be a child of someone who worked here. Mainly because you would meet so many different people, and see fascinating objects on the daily.

4. My favorite photo is a lady sitting at a desk in a stuffed animal shop. All the animals surrounding her are so colorful, and she looks very happy.