Sunday, April 30, 2017

Opinion Story

Do you remember when you took your first standardized test? These tests begin in as early as elementary school. They cause students stress and do not accurately measure students achievement. Therefore, I believe standardized state testing should be eliminated.

Teachers now teach to the test, which also drastically narrows the curriculum. As a student, everything I learn in class prepares me to take a test at the end. I have to take a test in each academic class at the end of the six weeks. That's not including the other ones we get during the six week period. Some elective teachers even give tests.

These tests are focused on preparing students for the standardized test at the end of the year. They provide similar, practice questions to it. It seems like the only reason we go to school and are learning the material we are, is to pass the exam at the end of the year. Now, yes it is important to learn this material. But the hype surrounding the test, along with the immense, strenuous time, and work that it requires is not worth it.

The amount of tests a student takes pressures and overwhelms them. They have to study immensely and then have the pressure to do well. I stay up ridiculous amounts of hours a night studying for tests. I often wonder, “When is the grade I get on this going to matter in the future?”

Standardized tests may allow students to master the skills of test taking, but it is not helping them in being an adult or preparing them for what may happen later in life. They are not learning life skills by sitting at a desk for hours.
After taking the test, teachers, students, and schools are either rewarded or punished for their scores. Are the tests measuring the student’s level of achievement or the teachers? Teachers and schools cram in all required material and drill it into our brains to receive high scores. No creativity is allowed in the teaching of the material making it dull, boring, and uninteresting to students.
Grades begin to come a competition, worsening the heavy burden students are already carrying. They compare themselves to others thinking that their self worth is based on how well they did on the last test. Some may say the competition is healthy, pushing students to work harder. But instead it is pushing them to their limits, causing unhealthy negative habits.
Some students do not perform well under the circumstances of high stakes test, compared to projects and presentations. Could there be an alternate form of measuring what a student has learned in the year? Maybe so. States could offer independent projects and allow ways for students to express what they have learned in a way that makes sense to them.

There are solutions that could be implemented to fix the way student’s progress during the year is measured. Otherwise, standardized tests should be removed from state education.

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