Monday, April 10, 2017

My First Interview

1. How do you spell your name?
Ayden Lumbley

2. What grade are you in?

3. What was your initial reaction when receiving this award?

A mixture of shock and surprise.

4. What does this award mean to you?

It means that I have improved from earlier months and did better in my harder classes.

5. What extracurricular activities are you apart of?

Film club, cross country, movie club.

6. How do you manage these with school work?

In some of the clubs, we help each other out with work if we don’t have work in the actual club.

7. How much time do you spend on school work?

2-3 hours a night.

8. What keeps you motivated?

The encouragement of my parents and friends.

9. What advice would you give to other students?

You need to have an organized set of binders and make out time for schoolwork each night.

10. What do you plan on doing in the future?

I plan to go to the Air Force Academy College and then I’ll see where my life takes me.

11. How do you achieve your goals?

Determination and persistence. 

12. What role do your teachers play in your academic life?

They are not just teachers, they also give you advice on how to improve instead of just a simple grade.

13. How do friends affect your schedule?

I only usually hang out with my friends in the mornings or on Sundays. They don’t really affect my schedule. 

14. What do you like to do in your free time?

I love to write, paint and draw. Gaming is also a hobby of mine.

15. How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as silly, but hard headed and pessimistic.

16. How has receiving this award changed you?
It has made me more determined to keep my grades up for future classes.

17. How did people react when they found out you won?


18. Do you find school a challenge or something easy?

Depends on the classes, but overall difficult, but not challenging.

19. Do you enjoy coming to school?

Yes, both for classes and to see my friends.

20. What do you plan to do, now that you have won this award?

I plan to try and encourage my friends to work hard so they can receive this award as well.

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