Monday, November 28, 2016

Top 100 Photos of All Time #1

1. I picked this image because the little boy lying flat on the shore caught my eye.

2.  This boy and his family were leaving Syria on a boat. The boat was sunk by a wave and all of them drowned. He had only appeared to be sleeping on the shore, but when found, he was dead.

3. The additional text with this photo tells about the war going on in Syria and how many Syrians would want to escape to Europe. Since Kurdi was lying on the European shores, this gave them the hope and possibility of coming.

4. I wasn’t able to find any other photos the photographer had taken. 

5. Nilüfer Demir
Born in 1986 - still alive
Birth place: Bodrum, Turkey
Education: Has worked with Dogan News Agency since she was a teenager.

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