Monday, November 7, 2016

Portraits & Self Portraits Preview

1. Experiment with Subject Expressions: In some portraits it is the expression on the face of your subject that makes the image. Get your subject to experiment with different moods and emotions in your image. Play with extreme emotions.

2. Shoot Candidly: Sometimes posed shots can look somewhat…. posed. Some people don’t look good in a posed environment and so switching to a candid type approach can work. Photograph your subject at work, with family or doing something that they love. This will put them more at ease and you can end up getting some special shots with them reacting naturally to the situation that they are in. 

I like this photo because it is simple and show cases her. I choose it because of the nice background. 

I like this photo because of the bright whites, and lighting. I choose it because he is the subject, and there isn't distracting elements around him. 


I like this photo because it makes you wonder why. I choose it because it the elements of it are interesting. 
I like this photo because of the letters floating all around him. I choose this because it makes you think about why the letters are around him. 


Image result for environmental portrait
I like this photo because of the darkness in the background. I choose this because she stands out and her pose isn't boring. 

I like this photo because of the sparks in the background. I choose it because you can clearly see what his job is.

For my portrait assignment I think I will shoot my little brother at the soccer field and maybe my dad at work. To make this successful, I will make sure to adjust the settings to have good lighting and use the photography rules to make the photos interesting and more visually appealing. 

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