Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Fashion Photography

1. They made her lips bigger, moved her eyes down, elongated and slimmed her neck, adjusted her hair, made her eyebrows and eyes bigger, and added more shading around the edges of her face.

2. They evened out her skin tone, slimmed her stomach, made her legs longer, made her feet smaller,  made her neck longer, and made her skin lighter and shinier.

3. In this video, the model was very highly edited. Her overall body was dramatically slimed and made smaller, her chest was made smaller, her waist made tinier. They even gave her more hair, and added more shadows to her body. 

4. I don’t think it is ethically acceptable to change a person’s appearance like this because it is not realistic and not showing the truth.

5. I think if a persons skin tone was to be completely changed, darker or lighter, or something was added to their body, then that could be more wrong than what has previously been done. 

6. I think evening out skin tone is ok or covering up minor imperfections, but majorly enlarging or sliming shouldn’t be done.

7. I think photojournalism captures the most true and accurate photo of a situation, as to a fashion photo where it may be edited and not contain the whole truth. 

8. Each type of photography attempts to show the reality of something. This affects ethical practices because the photos aren’t always truthful.

9. I think you showed us these three videos. so that we can see how dramatically people can be edited in Photoshop and that not everything we see is correct.

10. None of these videos are about guys because typically we don’t think about guys being edited, we think they are normally tone. Along with that, it is more thought that girls care about body image.

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