Monday, September 12, 2016

Post Shoot Reflection

1. A challenge I encountered when trying to get these first 4 photos was having ideas for each prompt. I couldn't think of what to shoot for them while still being creative.

2. I think I focus on rule of thirds the most. I think it is the easiest for me to automatically  do, and it makes the picture more interesting. 

3. If I could do the assignment again, I would focus on simplicity by making the sure the photo has a clear background and is in focus. 

4. If I were to of this assignment again, I would keep doing the rule of thirds.

5. I think in my photos, I used leading lines, a little bit of simplicity and a little bit of rule of thirds.

6. I would be interested in shooting these prompts again because now that I have already done it one time, I feel like the next time I could be more creative. But, at the same time, it would be good to do something different.

I like her square photo. I think the angle she got at really added to the photo. The diagonal lines also help to draw your eye through the photo. I think she could improve the angles she takes pictures at. For example, try shooting from the side, or under, rather than straight on. 

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