Friday, September 23, 2016

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. When manipulating images, it has come to how much has been edited, since typically every photo is now being edited. And if the photo still portrays the truth or not.

B. The Washington Post and the New York Times both give their photographers strict guidelines on how to shoot and edit their photos. 

C. I think acceptable things you could do to an image include cropping, blemish reduction,  and color modification. These are slight modifications that should just enhance the natural beauty of the photo.

D. I think this photo is the most unethical because they are completely adding in a whole persons face. The only reason they did this is to make their school look more diverse, when in reality it was not. 


E. I think this photo is the least unethical because they really only changed her skin tone to look more even. Although they did slim her waist a little, it is not that much of a noticeable difference. 

Kim Kardashian was featured on the cover of Complex Magazine. The original cover (left) was leaked. The photoshopped version (right) is on newstands now.

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