Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Academic Shoot Preview

I think this photo tells a story because you can really understand what they are doing from the photo. I think the story is that these students are feeding the homeless.

The action in this photo is whatever experiment they were doing, and it shot up. The emotion in this photo is their happy and surprised reaction.

The frame is filled with students performing a experiment. I think this the most interesting photo because of the purple, white, and sparkly reaction they have created.


1. I picked this photo because it was the most interesting to me. The boy pouring the liquids into the beaker really makes your eye travel through the photo. You are able to see very closely what was happening.

2. I think this photo used simplicity. The background was out of focus, so it made the subject of the photo very clear, and your eye wasn't distracted. There is also balance with the beakers on each side being at the same level.


1. I think I could take photos in my science class or hospitality class, just because that is where we do the most actionable things that would make interesting photos.

2. I think I will probably visit Ms. Frazier or Ms. Keyes.

3. To get good photos like the ones I looked at today, I am going to try to use at least 1 photo rule in every picture. Also, I can try to take pictures at different angles and levels.

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