Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Academic Shoot Images

The subject of the photo is the boy in the purple shirt. I think the subject could have been clearer because with all the stuff happening you can't entirely tell.

The subject of the photo is the girl. I think the subject is pretty clear because there is not a lot happening in the background. 

The subject of the photo is the boys. I don't think the subject is very clear. I could have shot differently so that the bin was not in the photo because it distracts. 

Leading Lines
The subject of the photo is the boy looking in the microscope. I think I could have gotten closer to make him more dominate in the photo.
Avoiding Mergers
The subject of the photo is the girl. I think the subject is very clear.
Rule of Thirds
The subject of the photo is the girl in the grey shirt. I think the subject is pretty clear, but I think I could have gotten closer to eliminate some of the distracting background.


  1. I think that all of your subjects are very clear and you focused you photos very well.

  2. I like how you captured the science class well. I like your rule of thirds photo because it shows the girl in the upper left corner. I think that you could have shows your subjects better. I also think that you could have gotten closer in your pictures to eliminate the distractions.

  3. Your photos are really cool! I really like the one showing avoiding mergers because the subject is very clear.

  4. I love your pictures! I really like how you showed your rule of thirds picture and balance picture! Those pictures really show the rules well and there is nothing I would say to change that on those two pictures.

  5. Your picture are so cool! I liked how in each photo you can see what the subject is really clearly and each photo is clear and not fuzzy ;))))

  6. Your photos are really cool.I liked the one of the kids looking in the microscope.
