Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Yearbook Introduction

25 things that should be in every yearbook:
1- school name on cover
2- name of yearbook on cover
3- year
4- table of contents
5- title page
6- volume number
7- dividers
8- page numbers
9- theme fonts
10- photo credits
11- theme colors
12- photos
13- captions
14- stories
15- quotes
16- modules
17- index
18- class pictures
19- colophon
20- people identified in photos
21- theme elements and design
22- staff
23- opening spread
24- closing spread 
25- school information

1. You Are Here
2. Akins High School
3. Thematic elements: capital letter titles, circles, transparent divider titles, lines, arrows
4. 6 sections
5. Favorite spread: varsity football
6. Index: yes
7. Clubs and organizations photos: no
8. Table of contents: yes
9. School population was not on title page
10. Texas

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