Monday, January 9, 2017

Phobia Project

A. A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of something.

B. Philophobia: fear of falling in love or being in love.
Optophobia: fear of opening one’s eyes.
Gnosiophobia: fear of knowledge.
Clinophobia: fear of going to bed.
Bathmophobia: fear of stairs or steep slopes.

C. For clinophobia, I could shoot someone sleeping in bed with a scared look on their face. This would make the viewer scared of falling asleep. I would be able to use my brother and we could do this at my house.

For bathmophobia, I could shoot someone a on top of a slope about to fall off. This would give the viewer a fear that the person would be about to fall. I think I could use my friend and we could go to somewhere high to take this.

For optophobia, I could shoot someone holding their eyes wide open. This would create fear in the viewer, considering they don’t like to open their eyes. I think I could use my brother or friend for this also.

D. Clinophobia: I could use dark lighting to create a scary mood, the person could also have dark facial expressions.
Bathmophobia: I could use a low point of view to make the person look higher up than they actually are.
Optophobia: I could get really close to the subject so all you see is their eyes, and no distracting background.

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