Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Yearbook Introduction

25 things that should be in every yearbook:
1- school name on cover
2- name of yearbook on cover
3- year
4- table of contents
5- title page
6- volume number
7- dividers
8- page numbers
9- theme fonts
10- photo credits
11- theme colors
12- photos
13- captions
14- stories
15- quotes
16- modules
17- index
18- class pictures
19- colophon
20- people identified in photos
21- theme elements and design
22- staff
23- opening spread
24- closing spread 
25- school information

1. You Are Here
2. Akins High School
3. Thematic elements: capital letter titles, circles, transparent divider titles, lines, arrows
4. 6 sections
5. Favorite spread: varsity football
6. Index: yes
7. Clubs and organizations photos: no
8. Table of contents: yes
9. School population was not on title page
10. Texas

Prompt Shoot #4

The End

Monday, January 9, 2017

Phobia Project

A. A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of something.

B. Philophobia: fear of falling in love or being in love.
Optophobia: fear of opening one’s eyes.
Gnosiophobia: fear of knowledge.
Clinophobia: fear of going to bed.
Bathmophobia: fear of stairs or steep slopes.

C. For clinophobia, I could shoot someone sleeping in bed with a scared look on their face. This would make the viewer scared of falling asleep. I would be able to use my brother and we could do this at my house.

For bathmophobia, I could shoot someone a on top of a slope about to fall off. This would give the viewer a fear that the person would be about to fall. I think I could use my friend and we could go to somewhere high to take this.

For optophobia, I could shoot someone holding their eyes wide open. This would create fear in the viewer, considering they don’t like to open their eyes. I think I could use my brother or friend for this also.

D. Clinophobia: I could use dark lighting to create a scary mood, the person could also have dark facial expressions.
Bathmophobia: I could use a low point of view to make the person look higher up than they actually are.
Optophobia: I could get really close to the subject so all you see is their eyes, and no distracting background.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Welcome Back


I chose this photo because it creates an intriguing and mysterious look to the viewer, wanting to know more about what is happening. 

I chose this photo because you can see Clinton’s eager enjoyment, as well as the people around her. This photo was captured at just the right moment.

I chose this photo because you see the mans dominance, and I found the repetition of the men all dressed the same very interesting.


I chose Adele’s Water Under the Bridge as the song of 2106. I chose his because I feel like Adele was very popular this year. A lot of people already knew who she was, and with the release of her new songs, it increased her popularity. I also personally like this song, and think it has good message behind the lyrics.


I think Zootopia was the movie of the year. I think this because it has a good underlying message. It teaches that you can be whoever you want, no matter what others say about you. Although this is an animated movie, it is a sweet story for any age to watch.


I think the most important news story this year was the Orlando shooting at Pulse Nightclub. I chose this because I feel like everyone heard about this. Even myself included, and I do not stay very up to date with events occurring in our country. With a man open firing, and killing at least 50 people, that made many heads turn, want to help, and wonder.


Donald Trump was the most important person of the year. Everyone knew about him, everyone talked about him. Being one of the final candidates in the presidential election, and our soon to be president, he’s important. There was and probably still is, much controversy about him and his position in our country.


The Chicago Cubs winning the World Series. Again, I am not into sports, but this was something that caught my attention. Everyone was going crazy the night of the game, posting everywhere. Then I did some research to find that the Cubs have not won in 108 years wow... That is pretty insane. So, now I understand why this was such a MAJOR win for them.


1. Something I will remember that happened over my break was hanging out with my friends. I have the friend group with 10 people, and it is very hard to coordinate a day when we can all be together. Luckily, we were all able to hang out on the day we got out of school. We had a sleepover and did fun stuff together. It was a good night.

2. My resolutions for 2017 are probably the same as most years, and most people. Be healthier and get more stuff done. Elaborated: eat healthier foods and workout more often. Also, trying to not procrastinate work and just get it done with.

3. In 2017, I am looking forward to the fun times with my friends, finishing freshman year, and hopefully accomplishing those resolutions.