Sunday, February 26, 2017

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4


Varsity cheerleaders prepare for national competition
The varsity cheerleaders are heading to a national competition. They have had some set backs as a team, but they are hoping to make it to the finals. They also hope to their team bond grows stronger from this trip.
Who? varsity cheerleaders 
What? prepare for national competition
Where? Orlando, Florida
When? February 10
Why? to move onto the finals
How? creating a unique routine
Who was quoted in the story? cheerleaders and cheer coach
What quote was the strongest in your opinion and where did that quote appear in the story? “We’ve overcome a lot as a team and I think that this will bond us closer together and it is great to experience a trip like this with the people I spend most of my time with.” at the very end
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? not really
High schoolers can fall in love
There is much controversy over if teenagers can actually be in love in high school. She believes it is true. The story then goes on to explain that people have different definitions of love, and what emotions we may feel. 
Who? high schoolers
What? can fall in love
Where? at school
When? their teenage years
Why? by their emotions
How? commitment and maturity
Who was quoted in the story? no one
What quote was the strongest in your opinion and where did that quote appear in the story? n/a
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? yes
Running off the beaten path
Senior Dawson Warken shares how running and track has affected his life. He talks about what he does to stay fit and keep improving. Other people also share how Warken’s good character is influenced by his running. 
Who? Dawson Warken
What? runs track
Where? at Bowie and outside of school
When? after school
Why? to stay fit and clear his mind
How? making friendships and exploring new trails
Who was quoted in the story? his girlfriend and PALS teacher
What quote was the strongest in your opinion and where did that quote appear in the story? “Dawson is a great young man whose life experiences have made him a fantastic mentor and friend to his peers and players alike. I can count on him to do anything and he always follows through with what he says he’ll do.” the end of the story
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? yes


A1: I think the photo goes well with the story because it shows the cheerleaders performing. Although, I feel it could have been taken at a different angle. It is not entirely clear who the subject is.
What rule of composition do you see in the photo? rule of thirds
What or who is the main subject? Jordan Haschke
Is the photo exposed properly? yes
Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field? not really

B2: I think the photo would have related to the story better if it was him running, but I get how this photo ties in with the story. I think this is one of the better photos in the newspaper.
What rule of composition do you see in the photo? cropping
What or who is the main subject? Dawson Warnken
Is the photo exposed properly? yes
Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field? yes, shallow

B7: I like the use of lighting in this photo. I think the photo also relates well to the story.
What rule of composition do you see in the photo? background
What or who is the main subject? Matthew Lane
Is the photo exposed properly? yes
Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field? no

A8: This photo relates well to the story. I think it is a bit over exposed, especially since the background has a lot of white in it.
What rule of composition do you see in the photo? leading lines
What or who is the main subject? Kate Stubbs
Is the photo exposed properly? a tiny bit over exposed
Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field? yes, deep

B8: I think this photo has a good impact on the page because it is large and relates very well to the story. It is also well lit.

What rule of composition do you see in the photo? cropping
What or who is the main subject? a woman holding a sign
Is the photo exposed properly? yes
Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field? yes, shallow

My favorite photo in the entire paper is Girls Just Wanna Have Fun(damental Human Rights). This is my favorite photo because I think it was the best quality photo and I like the out of focus background. I see cropping and background being used.

My least favorite photo in the entire paper is Award Winning. This is my least favorite because the subject isn't clear, the lighting is off, and there isn't that much color.

If I was a photographer on staff, I would liked to have covered "Varsity cheer prepares for national competition".

I would rate the photography in this issue a 7. I think the quality and content of photos could be improved. Otherwise, there were some very strong and interesting photos in this issue.

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