Monday, October 31, 2016

Composition Rules: Part 2




Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Funny Captions

With his arms outstretched, 75 year old Joe Watkins skydives with his friend Billy Brown. Watkins had always had the dream of one day skydiving, and now he finally had. 

At the Florida Zoo, George Hopkins lets monkeys crawl on him. This was a one of a kind experience for Hopkins, as monkeys were his favorite animal and as a kid his parents never let him go to the zoo.

At the Happy Meadow Retirement Home, Iva Jean receives a set of workout videos for her 80th birthday. Jean had curlers in her hair as she was preparing to go out and party later that night.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Prompt Shoot #2



Warm Up

1. As I looked through these photos, I could feel the pain and struggle they were both feeling, but at the same time the great amount of love they shared together. 

2. After looking at these photos, I think this comment means that even though she was diagnosed with cancer, it did not define them. They could still share happy memories and love together that was not captured on camera. Even though most of the photos show pain.

3. If I was in this situation I do not think I could capture photos like this. These photos have such a powerful feeling portrayed in them, and if I was in this position I don't think I could be taking photos. 

4. If I could write a letter to Angelo, I would tell him that he captured the end of his wife's life beautifully. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Africa & Abandoned Theme Parks


1. I was impressed by Nick Brandt's photographs and how he was able to get so close to the animals. I was quite surprised by the amount of time he would wait to take one photo. Eighteen days, in my opinion, is a very very long time to wait to take a photo. But, this goes to show that he is a good photographer and will wait for just the right moment to capture an image.

3. This photo shows cheetahs gathered around each other, I'm guessing a family. This is one of my favorite photos because it shows the dominance of the cheetahs in their surroundings.

4. Simplicity is used in this photo. I know this because there is nothing distracting in the background, it is just a solid color.

5. Brandt uses a Pentax 67 camera with a fixed lens. This is important because when using a fixed lens, there is no zoom. Brandt believes that being close to the animals makes a difference in the photo.

6. Brandt takes these photos to simply just show their state of being and that they exist.

7. He hopes that from taking these photos, he can show people just how amazing these animals are. As they begin to die off, he likes to capture their beauty.

8. "I'm not interested in creating work that is simply documentary or filled with action and drama, which has been the norm in the photography of animals in the wild. What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of being—before, in the wild at least, they cease to exist."


1. I would like to visit Spreepark in Berlin, Germany. I would want to go here because there appears to be a lot of color for it being abandoned. There is a lot of forest surrounding it which I feel could be a good element for making the photos look older. Along with that, it also has lots of large objects which would photograph well against all the brush.

3. Unusual places interesting to photographers: abandoned library, inside a cave, old stadium, old airports, or an old bowling alley. 

5. I think it would be fun to take photos at abandoned libraries because they are usually so organized and clean. All the books are put up on the shelves, and now they are not. Their scattered along the floor. I think I could get overview shots. Along with close up detailed ones of the old books. 

6. To take photos at an abandoned library, I don't think it would be very hard. I'm guessing there would be one in the US and I could just fly there to take the pictures. As for equipment, I would probably use just need a zoom lens for some up close shots. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Great Black and White Photographers: Part 3

1. The scenery in the photos really captured my eye. I thought it was interesting how he could make something so simple look so intriguing. 
Image result for ansel adams tree

I see the sun rising on a chilly spring day. I see the morning dew on the grass.
I smell the fresh cold air. The air that I, and everything around me breathes in.
I hear the birds chirping as the sun warms the Earth. Their quiet pecks echoing around me.
I taste the rich air. It's very cold.
I feel the breeze against my cheek. I feel the sun warming my body.Image result for ansel adams lake

I see a vast expanse of land. Land with enormous mountains and flat plains.
I smell the fresh pine trees on a winter day.
I hear the quiet rush of water. It calms the atmosphere.
I taste the humidity in the air.
I feel the chill brush against my body. It sends a cold rush throughout me.

3. I think we should create posters to show the class our photographers.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Mural Project Preview

1. A possible theme that we could shoot at school is textures. For example, get like close up shots of different materials. I think these could look cool all next to each other. For outside of school, I think we could do things around Austin. Things unique to Austin, or Austin activities.

2. I think we should open it up to regular cameras as well because they can help us to have higher quality, better looking photos.

3. I think we could put the murals in the G and H hall building because the art classes are in there and I feel like it would work well with them.