Friday, March 31, 2017

Architecture Preview #2

La Pedrera




Angles and Shapes


Burj Al Arab




 Angles and Shapes


Nautilus House




 Angles and Shapes






 Angles and Shapes


National Centre for the Performing Arts




Angles and Shapes


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017

Architecture Preview #1

La Pedrera, Spain

1. Antoni Gaudi and Josep Maria Jujol
2. 1906 - 1912
3. Barcelona, Spain
4. You can visit it.
5. N/A
6. A man had saw a house Gaudi had made on his street, and he wanted one of his own.
7. I chose this building because of its interesting architecture. The sculptures on the top are not something you would see everyday. Along with the large holes in the middle of the building.

Burj Al Arab

1. Tom Wright and Carlos Ott
2. 1994
3. Dubai, United Arab Emirates
4. You can visit it, it is a hotel.
5. $1 billion
6. N/A
7. I chose this building because of its interesting shape. It also interested me how it was off on its own little island. The building also looked very very large compared to the city.

Nautilus House

1. Javier Senosiain
2. 2006 - 2007
3. Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico
4. You can visit it.
5. $218,000
6. A family living a conventional home wanted one more integrated with nature.
7. I chose this building because of its unusual shape. It seemed small for a house. It also has many bright fun colors that you wouldn’t typically see on a house. 


1. Andre Waterkeyn and Christine Conix
2. 1957
3. Brusseks, Belgium
4. You can visit it.
5. N/A
6. It was built to honor the metals industry and celebrate the atomic age.
7. I picked this building because of its massive size. It is also very different from any square or circular building. I think it would be cool to visit.

National Centre for the Performing Arts

1. Paul Andreu
2. 2001 - 2007
3. Beijing, China
4. You can visit it, it is a theater.
5. $3.2 billion
6. N/A
7. I picked this building because of its egg like shape. I thought it was interesting how it was surrounded by a artificial lake too. When you enter, you actually go underwater.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Action Preview

Action Shoot

SUBJECT MOVING DIRECTLY AT YOU: Freshman Tahni Engelhardt runs across the courtyard. Running is not Engelhardt’s favorite form of exercise. 

SUBJECT RUNNING ACROSS THE PLANE: Freshman Tahni Engelhardt dashes towards the doors. Engelhardt was running for her P.E. class.

PANNING: Freshman Angela Cox sprints across the school. Cox enjoys running in her free time.

CREATIVE BLUR: Running, freshman Tahni Engelhardt goes through The Pit. Engelhardt says running allows her to take a break.

Sensory Overload

1. I think this statement is very true in the age we are in now. I agree with this statement because I think now we focus so much attention on what we buy, what we have, and what we do with it. This makes me feel that in my photography, I should be focusing more on objects associated with the subject than the space surrounding them.

2. Yes, I would want to visit this place because it seems like you would be able to gain a very different and new experience.

3. I think it would be interesting to be a child of someone who worked here. Mainly because you would meet so many different people, and see fascinating objects on the daily.

4. My favorite photo is a lady sitting at a desk in a stuffed animal shop. All the animals surrounding her are so colorful, and she looks very happy.